Commitment and self-discipline 2021-10-27
Mohamed gamal 2021-10-27
Commitment and self-discipline

As the world begins to emerge from the worst of businesses and workers alike face a very different landscape in many industries. Almost no sector was untouched by the pandemic – even those that were able to thrive were forced to change up a range of aspects such as strategies, working environments, and processes. 

It is not surprising, then, that there has been a great deal of upheaval. An initial flurry of redundancies as a result of challenging times for businesses has also meant that a number of industries are actually struggling to get the workforce they need to operate a service. Sectors such as hospitality, transport, and deliveries are hiring at record rates, with other issues such as Brexit affecting the employment market and availability of workers. 

But away from the companies, many individuals are looking at changed working experiences. It’s not just those that have lost their jobs – many found that they were asked to work from home through the pandemic, and took a liking to the extra time around family and other benefits of remote work. This is so much the case, that many employees who previously valued a full-time in-office commitment are now looking into other options.

In fact, large numbers of workers are choosing to be self-employed as a result of the pandemic. If this is something you are interested in, it’s a great idea to get as much information as possible. As with all aspects of work, there are positives and negatives to weigh up. Here, we take a look at how to go self-employed after the Covid-19 pandemic